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Time, Trust, and Tools: Opening Doors to Imagination for All Children

by Kirsten Haugen
November/December 2002
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/time-trust-and-tools-opening-doors-to-imagination-for-all-children/5014836/

Two young boys play with a set of colored wooden blocks and a few small cars. As they arrange a road with the blocks, five-year-old Ben suggests, "Let's do something else. I want to play a game!" "No," says three-year-old Sam, "I want to play with cars." This gets Ben's mind going, and soon the cars and blocks evolve into a living board game. Ben searches out a couple dice, and Sam suggests there should be prizes. Before long, a complex set of rules emerges. "Okay," says Ben, "You start with two prizes from the prize box. If you land on green, you get to roll again. If you land on red, you lose a turn. If you land on blue, you have to give back a prize, but if you land on yellow, you get to take a new one." As they play, Ben begins to rearrange the board. "It's too short - the game will be over too soon!" He adds blocks, and - as he's ahead in the game - he makes sure there are lots of green blocks toward the end.

What do we mean when we say someone has a good imagination? We readily see it not ...

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